Sunday, June 7, 2009


As I sit here, I have about thirty other, far more important things to be thinking about (like when my childhood bedroom will finally be freed from the suppression of my college belongings, and the status of my facebook, among others) and I have come to the realization that the thoughts that have been rambling on in my head the last few weeks should have a home. So, without much thought, or inspiration, really, I have forgone my (much needed) late afternoon run (slash walk) and created a blog.

WHAT?! a BLOG! I think in general today people are driven to the point of ridiculous ness with all this Twitter tweeting shit, and bbming and status-ing, all of which I'm falling privy to. But the reality really is, I don't really care if people care about what I think, because, quite frankly, I often postrationalize myself and agree. But, there are certain pros to having one of these things that I, a college soon to be fourth year, twenty-year sorority girl, find very helpful.

1. Keep record of mistakes. If I can't learn from myself, I sure as hell wont learn anything from anyone else
2. To save me a lecture from my friends. I think at this point, they are sick of hearing of my bad decisions, drunken stoopers, and relationship problems, so I will turn to this judge-free world on cyberspace. YAY!
3. I'm too lazy to write anything down.
4. I might be crazy enough to think that one day, I can write some memoir about this time in my life. And, if not, at least laugh at myself. That's got to be an even better benefit than cashing in on my youthful mistakes, right? Right.


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